Seasonal flowers delivered for four weeks, $45/delivery, or a bunch of pink bodega flowers.

Plumping lip balm, $24, with a serious cult following.

A guest check print, $100, which the artist Julia Rothman will customize for you.

Dame’s bestselling vibrator with a steady rumble and a curved handle. The reviews say “best ever,” “game changer” and, simply, “THANK YOU GOD.” $99. (This moisturizer is also top of my wishlist.)

A pink sweater because everyone looks great in pink. $130.

Colorblock bra or pretty underwear, from $34.

An award-winning shampoo with the BEST scent. It always sells out quickly, $30.

Homemade brownies, or a delivery of heart-shaped treats, like whoopie pies or chocolates.

A snow globe for her bookcase that shows how you felt (and still feel), $70.

Photo book to make you both smile, $28.