PALM SPRINGS, Calif. – Today [Mar. 14, 2025] the Bureau of Land Management helped Unleash American Energy by approving the Sapphire gen-tie transmission line and facilities project on approximately 40 acres of public lands in eastern Riverside County. EDF Renewables Development, Inc., is authorized to construct, operate, maintain, and eventually decommission a transmission line and associated facilities connecting the planned Sapphire Solar photovoltaic and storage facility on private lands to the electric grid.
“The Bureau of Land Management supports American Energy Dominance that prioritizes needs of American families and businesses,” said BLM California State Director Joe Stout.
The Sapphire Solar project aligns with Secretary’s Order 3417 to address the national energy emergency by supporting the integrity of the electrical grid while creating jobs and economic prosperity for Americans.
The associated Sapphire Solar project is planned for construction on private lands and represents a nearly $262 million infrastructure investment in the community that will create 250 construction jobs followed by 12 operational positions to run the facility. Once operational, the project will transmit and store up to 117 megawatts of solar energy daily.
Sapphire’s transmission line and facilities will be constructed on lands in the Development Focus Area-designated lands in the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan, a landscape-level plan that streamlines renewable energy development, while conserving unique and valuable desert ecosystems and providing outdoor recreation opportunities. Additional information and associated documents are available at the BLM National NEPA Register.
Source: “BLM approves Sapphire gen-tie transmission line and facilities,” Mar. 14, 2025 Bureau of Land Management press release.
Above and corresponding home-page-featured images: BLM (Bureau of Land Management)