Just one year ago, we came across a multitool with a small adjustable wrench. Now, the Orioners Z3 is the newest tool to feature one, along with eight other useful functions including a fold-out cutting blade.
If you recognize the name Orioners, it’s because this Hong Kong outdoor gear company previously introduced the Z1 multitool, which included a blade, saw, bit driver socket, and other tools. While it’s unclear if there was ever a Z2, the Z3 is now on Kickstarter.
This device is constructed from sand-blasted, oil-sealed, CNC-machined stainless steel, offering a more affordable option compared to the titanium multitools commonly found on crowdfunding platforms today.
The main highlight of the Z3 is the adjustable wrench that can open up to a maximum width of 3 cm (1.2 in). It also has millimeter markings for use as a measuring caliper.
On one end of the wrench, there’s a bottle opener on the bottom jaw, a Phillips screwdriver bit on the back of the top jaw, and a tungsten steel glass-breaking stud on top. Below the bottle opener is the fold-out 420 stainless steel cutting blade, which locks securely when in use.
The opposite end of the Z3 features a pry bar with a built-in nail puller. There’s a clip on the back for attaching the multitool to belts, pockets, or backpack straps. The overall dimensions are 94 mm long by 29 mm wide by 8 mm thick (3.7 by 1.1 by 0.3 inches), and it weighs approximately 50.4 grams (1.8 oz).

If the Orioners Z3 goes into production, a pledge of US$35 will secure one for you. The expected retail price is $65. Watch the video below to see it in action.
For those in need of a multitool available for immediate purchase, whether as a gift or for personal use, take a look at our list of the best multitools and blades in 2024.
Orioners Z3:EDC 10-IN-1 Multi-Tool Pry Bar/Wrench/Cutting
Source: Kickstarter