Leading Thoughts for November 21, 2024
IDEAS shared have the power to expand perspectives, change thinking, and move lives. Here are two ideas for the curious mind to engage with:
Creator of Mad Men Matthew Weiner on feedback:
“When someone rejects your work, register the fact that they don’t like it, but don’t listen to the reason why. People feel that they have to say something, and they often give a capricious justification to keep from hurting your feelings. For example, someone might say, ‘I don’t like your movie because it’s in black-and-white.’ You think, Damn it. If I had made it in color, I could have sold it. That’s probably not true. Now, if William Goldman or Mike Nichols reads your work and suggests you do X to it, you might want to listen, but if you alter your work for every rejection, you’ll end up running in all different directions trying to please an imaginary audience. It can be damaging and destructive.”
Source: Getting There: A Book of Mentors by Gillian Zoe Segal
Noel M. Tichy on the need to produce leaders at all levels:
“Successful leaders add value. No matter what level or what type of organization, the true measure of a leader is whether he or she has made the assets under their control more valuable today than they were yesterday. A leader is given stewardship over assets, in the form of people, capital, information, and technology. Their job is to make them more valuable and to keep making them more valuable into the future.”
Source: The Cycle of Leadership: How Great Leaders Teach Their Companies to Win
Look for these ideas every Thursday on the Leading Blog. Find more ideas on the LeadingThoughts index.

Posted by Michael McKinney at 10:56 AM
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